Among many points of pride that the University of the Punjab enjoys, is the establishment of the first seat of geological learning in Pakistan. Alive to the urgent needs of the country, the Punjab University has been producing a sufficient number of graduates in Geology since 1957 who are now serving almost all geoscientific agencies of the country. The establishment of the Department of Geology had been a unique experience of the University since such a department had no precedent in the country as well as due to the involvement of several UNESCO experts of different nationalities. After the conclusion of the UNESCO T.A. Mission in 1962, the Department continued to be headed by an expatriate for want of a Pakistani with suitable educational and administrative qualifications to steer the Department to new achievements. It was in 1967 that the first Pakistani head of the Department was appointed. In 1978, a fundamental revision of the academic and administrative planning of the Department was undertaken because of national priorities and new world trends. As a result, the department was elevated to the status of the Institute of Geology and Professional Scheme of Studies leading to a degree in Applied' Geology was introduced in the country for the first time.