Editorial Board

Chief Editor:


Editorial Advisory Board:

Dr. Kaleem Akhtar Qureshi
Institute of Geology, Quaid-a-Azam Campus,
University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Cell No. 0321-4770484
email: mkaleemakhtar@yahoo.com

Dr. Aftab Ahmad Butt
Institute of Geology, Quaid-a-Azam Campus,
University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Ph. 042-9231251, Fax: 042-5846501
email: aftabgeo@yahoo.com

Prof. Abdul Salam Khan
Centre of Excellence in Mineralogy
University of Balouchistan
Quetta, Pakistan
email: aslam-cem@yahoo.com

Dr. Dorothee Mertmann
Allgemeine Geologie
Institut fur Geowissenschaften
Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg
Von-Seckendorff-Platz 3
06120 Halle (Saale) Germany
email: dorothee.mertmann@geo.uni-halle.de

Dr. W. M. Bausch
Institute of Geology
University of Erlangen

Prof. Jean-Pierre Burg
Geologisches Institut
ETH Zentrum
Sonneggstrasse, 5
CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland

Dr. Khalid Amin Khan
Chief Geophysicist
OGDCL, Institute of Science & Technology
House No. 136-137, Street No. 16, 1-9, Islamabad
Tel. No. 051-9258156, 0333-5149988
email: aminkhan@k-tron.net